Homemade Hot Chocolate: A sweet heavenly cup of goodness.

Homemade Hot Chocolate: A sweet heavenly cup of goodness.

If you were wondering how I wish I could spend every cold winter’s day – it is curled up, with my hands wrapped around a huge warm mug of hot chocolate.

It is so easy to make Homemade Hot Chocolate, so put down that powdery packet, put a handful of real ingredients into a saucepan and you will have Homemade Hot Chocolate in minutes! The addition of ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Masala Chai makes the perfect exotic chai hot chocolate that stimulates your senses and soothes your soul.

Bonus points, a heavy sprinkle of  dark chocolate….


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice (this recipe will work with both dairy and plant milks)
  • 1 ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Masala Chai tea bag
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips or chopped chocolate bar
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  1. Boil a pot of water. Add ½ cup boiling water into mug and let the ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Masala Chai teabag steep for 5 minutes covered.
  2. While waiting for tea to steep, put all of the other ingredients in a saucepan and gently heat.
  3. Whisk till chocolate chips are melted and distributed evenly
  4. Pour in the tea.

Optional – top it off with a sprinkling of dark chocolate

Enjoy with a good book!

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